This is an exciting time to be President of Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon. The world is changing and we’re changing with it. We encourage everyone to “Be Challenged” because this is a challenging time for churches and their leadership, a time when religions and their place in society are shifting rapidly.
We invite students to challenge themselves, to learn and grow in unexpected ways. Our students are formed to challenge others in the church, as we move together into God’s surprising future. Our prayer is that our students and graduates will share the challenge with the whole church, as we participate with others in God’s transformation of the whole world.
A bit about me:
I think of myself as a theologian and an agent of change.
I come to the role of President with a background both inside and outside the academy. I have a PhD in Systematic Theology, along with prior degrees in Theology, English Literature, and Political Science, and have served as Professor of Theology at The College of Emmanuel & St. Chad (ESC). At ESC, I was also Registrar and then Vice-Principal. In the Anglican Diocese of Kootenay, I helped to bring Kootenay School of Ministry into existence and served as its first Principal.
In addition to academic life, I have been Director for Mission and Ministry in the Anglican Diocese of Huron, helping congregations to discern their futures, training people in evangelism, and introducing the “Education for Ministry” program. I believe that tomorrow’s church will look very different from yesterday’s; supporting today's church institutions as they find their tomorrows is at the heart of who I am.