There are a number of ways in which you can contribute to our mission here at LTS. For more information on Planned Giving, or a particular Scholarship or Bursary, the many different Funds to which you can give, or Online Giving, just click on the appropriate link. It is also possible to send us a donation by mail, by telephone, or to give monthly by credit card or pre-authorized debit (PAD).
Giving in any form can be designated to a particular fund, or made in honor of, or in memory of, a particular person. For more lasting commemoration, it is also possible to establish and award, scholarship, or busary. Of course, while we appreciate gifts to our Annual fund, which is always in great need, we are very pleased and grateful to apply gifts to anyone of the causes here at LTS. Whenever possible, in the case of tribute gifts, we send a card to the family of the person in whose name the gift has been made.
If you wish for your gift to go to a particular fund, please indicate so, either in an attached note or on the memo line of the cheques. Offerings without such indicators are, by default, put into the Annual Fund.
Money in these funds is spend during the fiscal year (1 July - 30 June) in which they are received.
Computers for the library, digital projectors, printers, software, and other technology-related items.