
LTS works closely and collaboratively with many other organizations and bodies.

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The seminary is supported by the four Western Synods of the ELCICBritish ColumbiaAlberta & the TerritoriesSaskatchewan, and Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario.

It is a member of the Saskatoon Theological Union (STU), an association of three theological education colleges: the College of Emmanuel and St. Chad (Anglican Church of Canada) Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon (Evangelical Church in Canada) and St. Andrew's College (United Church of Canada). All three colleges are affiliated with the University of Saskatchewan. The STU was originally formed in 1969 as the Graduate School of Theology to facilitate a cooperative and ecumenical approach to theological education on the prairies. While remaining distinct and separate institutions, the three member colleges share numerous resources, including their libraries and faculty. As a result, the STU boasts the largest, most diverse theological faculty in Canada west of Toronto.

Although not an official member of the STU, Horizon College & Seminary (Pentecostal) is a member of the STU Libraries system.

Our sister seminary in the ELCIC, Martin Luther University College works with the Eastern Synod. We also have various connections with Evangelical Lutheran Church in America seminaries.

Located on the campus of the University of Saskatchewan, LTS is an affiliated college of that university. We have particularly close ties with the Department of Religion and Culture, with the Department of English, with the Department of History, and with the Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies program (CMRS).

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