

Rev. Dr. Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero
Position: Grace Professor of Leadership
Phone: 639-398-4342

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Before joining the LTS faculty in Summer 2023, Dr. KSG (as his students call him) served as the Steck-Miller Assistant Professor of Worship and Liturgy at United Lutheran Seminary in Pennsylvania, and before that taught at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Graduate Theological Union and Church Divinity School of the Pacific. His Ph.D. in liturgical studies and systematic theological is from Graduate Theological Union, where his dissertation was entitled “Sin and Brokenness, Passage and Purpose: Reforms in Recent American Lutheran Rites for the Pastoral Care of the Sick.” He earned an M.Div. from Luther Seminary (St. Paul, MN) and a B.A. in history and German studies from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

Other research interests include leadership in the post-COVID church, practical theology and liturgical history, digital ministry, and Lutheran public theology. He is co-editor of the journal Teaching Theology & Religion and convener of the Lutheran caucus of the North American Academy of Liturgy. He serves on the advisory boards of the Global Network for Digital Theology and Journey to Baptismal Living: North American Association for the Catechumenate. Dr. KSG is the editor of Church After the Corona Pandemic: Consequences for Worship and Theology (Cham: Springer, 2023).

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