Religious Community in a Digital World - June 13-16 (free)

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Online Community? Hybrid Church? The Digital Body of Christ?

Does digital church touch your life? Invite you? Challenge you? Register now for "Religious Community in a Digital World," a free online multi-day learning event sponsored by the schools of the Saskatoon Theological Union and St. Thomas More College.

Religious Community in a Digital World

Keynote speakers are Deanna A. Thompson (author of The Virtual Body of Christ in a Suffering World) and Jeffrey H. Mahan (author of Church as Network: Christian Life and Connection in Digital Culture), and there will be discussions on a variety of related topics.

Individually and in dialogue, our speakers will be looking at our new digital church landscape through historical, theological, and pastoral lenses. The conversations that will arise from these keynote presentations, workshops, and digital spaces will be missional and life-giving, practical and prophetic.

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Deanna A. Thompson is Director of the Lutheran Center for Faith, Values, and Community, and Martin E. Marty Regents Chair of Religion and the Academy at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. Thompson's research focuses on topics ranging from Martin Luther and feminism to the intersections of cancer, trauma, and faith, and what it means to be the church in the digital age. She is author of five books, including The Virtual Body of Christ in a Suffering World (Abingdon, 2016) and most recently, Glimpsing Resurrection: Cancer, Trauma, and Ministry (WJK, 2018).

Jeffrey H. Mahan is the Ralph E. and Norma E. Peck Professor Emeritus of Religion and Public Communication at the Iliff School of Theology. He studies the mediation of religion in material and digital cultures, religion as a sensual and bodily experience, and the implications of media change for the practice of ministry and religious leadership. Mahan is ordained in the United Methodist Church. His most recent book is Church as Network: Christian Life and Connection in Digital Culture (Rowman and Littlefield, 2021).

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