LTS is sponsoring the creation of a historical marker to recognize the Wiggins Avenue seminary building, whose cornerstone was laid 75 years ago in 1947. This project has been led by retired Bishop Allan Grundahl.
A bronze plaque with the engraved history of the old building has been ordered; it will sit atop a pedestal, incorporating the original cornerstone; paving stones will surround it, with a pathway to two visiting benches. The site is located directly beside Luther Tower and the Luther Special Care Home. Construction on the project is set to begin immanently.
A public outdoor ceremony of recognition for the completed work is planned for Saturday morning, September 10th, 2022, at 10:30 AM. Bishop Sid Haugen has agreed to be present.
Appropriately, 2022 marks the 75th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of this original Seminary building, built primarily by Scandinavian Lutherans, now remembered and recognized in this historical project.

With the support of many generous donors, the project has raised nearly $10,000 to date, leaving approximately $4,000 yet to be raised.
If you would like to make a gift to this project, donations should be sent directly to the Seminary: 1121 College Drive, Saskatoon, SK. S7N 0W3. Cheques should be made out to Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon, designated for the ‘Historical Marker project’. Or you can donate by Interac e-transfer:
Please note: unless otherwise indicated by the donor, any funds in excess of those required for this project will be directed to the seminary’s General Fund. You will be provided with a tax receipt from the Seminary.