Storaasli Lecture

LTS will be hosting a Storaasli lecture by The Rev. Dr. Chad Rimmer on February 3rd, from 7:00-8:30pm at Hope Lutheran Church in Calgary. It is co-sponsored by the Synod of Alberta and the Territories. This will be a hybrid presentation, running also on Zoom to allow for questions from people at a distance.

Dr. Rimmer is the Rector and Dean at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, S.C. Prior to that he was with the Lutheran World Federation in their Department for Theology, Mission, and Justice. Dr. Rimmer is a teaching theologian who will be speaking specifically on ecotheology.

Olaf K. Storaasli was the President of Luther Theological Seminary from 1953-59. In 2000, he and his family set up an endowed Storaasli Lectureship. This fund is used to bring speakers from the United States to Canada, with the intention of enhancing ELCA-ELCIC seminary relations.

For those attending in person, please note that it has been politely requested that you wear a mask.

For those joining on Zoom, here is the link:
Meeting ID: 428 117 5583

We look forward to seeing you there!

Chad Rimmer

Photo Credit: Lenoir-Rhyne University


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