Global Partner Certificate

The Global Partner Certificate supports Lutheran students currently enrolled in programs at seminaries or theological institutions connected with LWF-member church bodies in expanding their theological studies beyond their own context. The certificate allows students to take LTS classes online for transfer back to their own program.

The Certificate allows a maximum of six courses to be taken with LTS offering full-tuition subsidies. Upon acceptance in the Certificate program, the student will remain enrolled for a maximum of six years.

Requirements for Admission

  1. Completion of the “Application for Admission to the Global Partner Certificate Program” form, including application fee ($75) and requested letters:
    1. Students must provide a letter from their home institution confirming that LTS courses will be accepted for program credit for a degree or diploma program. 
    2. Students must provide a letter from their home institution confirming that the institution is connected with an LWF-member church body.
  2. Applicant must be a student in good standing in a degree or diploma program.

Applications can be made by contacting Registrar Colleen Walker: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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