Chapel Worship at Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon
The centre of the LTS community is worship.
We gather, hear the Word, share the Lord’s Supper, and are sent. We sing praises, lament, renew Baptismal promises, and pray for the life of God’s world. We proclaim that Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again. Worship is the central ground of our lives as a seminary community.
When LTS students are on campus, we worship together with Emmanuel & Saint Chad and Saint Andrew’s seminaries in the STU chapel. At other times, we gather electronically for worship via Zoom.
Learning to Lead
Our worship life is a teaching opportunity. Seminarians (full-time and occasional) work with our instructors to plan and conduct worship in our community, building competence in all areas of liturgical worship. As a “priesthood of all believers”, everyone is a leader!
The liturgical traditions of our community emerge from Biblical texts, historic Christian rites, reforming principles of the Lutheran Confessions, and our rich heritage of liturgical music. We look for ways to foster community and cultivate ecumenism.
Worship Times at LTS
Our students worship together on campus - in the classroom, and with others in the Saskatoon Theological Union (STU). The STU is a partnership of three seminaries in Saskatoon: College of Emmanuel & St. Chad (Anglican), St. Andrew’s College (United Church of Canada), and Lutheran Theological Seminary. Together, we occupy space in the St. Andrew’s College building on the University of Saskatchewan campus. We worship together in our STU chapel and at other times we gather electronically for worship via Zoom.
Worship in the Classroom:
When our students are taking a LTS course, they participate each day with the professor in early morning and late afternoon worship. The exception is on Thursdays when everyone joins the 11:40am STU worship service.
Worship with the STU:
All LTS students, staff and faculty are welcome at STU services. We gather twice a week at 11:40am (SK time). Services take place
every Tuesday by ZOOM*, and
every Thursday by ZOOM* and/or in the STU chapel
The three schools in the STU take turns leading chapel and the lead-school celebrates in the particular style of its denomination. About once a month the three schools worship ecumenically, bringing worship styles together. When LTS is leading one of these STU services**, LTS students who are taking a LTS course at the time, often attend the Thursday service and participate in leading.
*ZOOM links and other worship materials are sent out each week by email to students, staff and faculty.
**A schedule for each academic term identifies which school is leading worship on which date.