

Rev. Dr. Kayko Driedger Hesslein
Position: William Hordern Professor of Theology and Dean of Studies
Phone: 639-638-0500

Email: Use the contact form at the bottom of the page.


  • PhD (Systematic Theology with an Allied Field in History) - Graduate Theological Union, 2013
  • MDiv with Honors - Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, now United Lutheran Seminary, 2002
  • BMus (Voice) - McGill University, 1998


Teaching and Research Interests: postcolonial systematic theology; history of Christian-Jewish relations; nonsupersessionist Christology; contemporary Lutheran theology; queer and feminist theologies; inclusive (UDL) pedagogy.


Selected Publications:

  • "Visiting the Daughter-Land." Crossing the Shores and Horizons: Pacific, Asian, and Asian American Women Doing Transnational Feminist Theologies. Edited by Boyung Lee, Laura Cheifitz, Nami Kim, and Wohnee Anne Joh. Forthcoming.
  • The Women's Christian Theology Reader. Edited by Beth Ritter-Conn and Steven R. Guthrie. Wiley-Blackwell Press. 2025.
  • "A Theological Hermeneutic of Disability Justice." Beyond Saints and Superheroes. Edited by Allen Jorgensen, Laura McGregor, and Tom Reynolds. Lexington. 2025.
  • "Considerations for Preaching on International Transgender Day of Visibility." Journal of Lutheran Ethics. 23 (4).
  • "'In all times and places:' Reflecting on the Transcendence and Immanence of the Holy Spirit in an Online Body of Christ." In Church after the Corona Pandemic: Consequences for Worship and Theology. Edited by Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero. Springer, 2023.
  • “A Christology of Jesus the Jew.” In Christologie Zwischen Judentum and Christentum. Edited by Christian Danz, Kathy Ehrensperger, and Walter Homolka. Mohr Siebeck, 2020.
  • “Free to Die: A Lutheran-Process Approach to Medical Assistance in Dying.” (11)4. Special Edition: Luther and Feminism.
  • “The Subaltern’s Witness: Examining Luther’s Explanation to the Eighth Commandment in Light of Clergy Sexual Abuse Claims.” In The Alternative Luther –– Lutheran Theology From the Subaltern. Edited by Else Marie Wiberg Pedersen. Lexington Books, 2019.
  • “Multiplicity and Ultimate Concern(s).” In The Body and Ultimate Concern: Reflections on An Embodied Theology of Paul Tillich. Edited by Adam Pryor and Devan Stahl. Mercer University Press, 2018.
  • Dual Citizenship: Two-Natures Christology and the Jewish Jesus. London: T&T Clark, 2015.


Ministerial and pastoral experience: Moderator of the Lutheran World Federation’s Theological Education and Formation Steering Committee; Advent Lutheran Church, Calgary (2017- 2020); St John’s Lutheran Church, Calgary (2014-2017); Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Toronto (2002-2005); ordained as Minister of Word and Sacrament (Pastor) in the ELCIC in 2002.


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