The latest news from LTS!
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete the brief survey on the STU renaming process. The information you provide is invaluable as we discern this important aspect of our future together.
For those who have yet to complete the survey: you are not too late! The poll closes April 16, 2023.
Please go here to complete the survey:
Dear friends,
The schools of the Saskatoon Theological Union (STU) are discussing the possibility of a new name to reflect our newly developing projects and relationships. We are moving beyond the loose kind of sharing that is usually named a “theological union.” In addition, while we continue to sustain a Saskatoon footprint, all three schools are moving out to reach beyond Saskatoon with onsite and online programs and with support for various arrangements across and beyond Western Canada.
As part of this process, we invite your comments. The following survey is designed to enable your participation. This is an advisory poll. Results won’t decide the outcome, but will provide significant advice for the STU as we move forward.
If the hyperlink above doesn’t work, please go here:
Please note: the poll closes April 16, 2023.
Thank you for your time and prayerful consideration.
Please save the date for ‘Liberating Liturgy’, featuring Dr. Becca Whitla, Professor of Practical Ministry and Lydia E. Gruchy Chair in Pastoral Theology at St. Andrew’s College.
March 1st, 7 - 9pm (SK time)
Dr. Whitla explores what it might mean to liberate liturgy in today’s contexts. Drawing from the experience of several communities, she proposes that churches that want to fully embrace the multilingual, multiethnic, multicultural realities of the Canadian context need to examine and transform what goes on at church on a Sunday morning. Using two case studies—singing and territorial acknowledgements—she proposes some initial principles for liberating and decolonizing how we worship.
Wednesday, March 1
7:00 - 9:00 pm
St. Andrew's College
Wine and Cheese Reception to follow
This event will also be livestreamed.
Please register for in-person or livestream option by emailing:
This is a free event, but donations are invited to support the Lydia E. Gruchy Chair in Pastoral Theology.
Statement from the Rev. Dr. William Harrison, President, LTS
“As President of LTS, I am pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Dr. Kayko Driedger Hesslein as William Hordern Professor of Theology. Dr. Driedger Hesslein brings deep roots in Lutheran theology and a strong presence in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, including in Western Canada.
LTS is sponsoring the creation of a historical marker to recognize the Wiggins Avenue seminary building, whose cornerstone was laid 75 years ago in 1947. This project has been led by retired Bishop Allan Grundahl.